2018年9月11日 星期二

史上最惡劣航空 俄航的惡行惡狀與行李箱被蓄意破壞後長達半年之索賠過程

一回國後申請保險理賠的 前情提要在這,於此同時我當然也沒打算放過惡航

我的成功必須鼓勵類似遭遇的人也要繼續努力下去~ 沒拿到錢之前都別放過他!

區區一個再正常不過的 Claim,從一開始我被規定要先聯絡事發地以色列辦公室 (不理我)
進而轉向詢問俄羅斯總公司 (不受理,要我找以色列或自己國家的代表處)
以為差不多也該結案了吧又來個大逆轉,香港辦事處又說要把資料寄回去俄羅斯總公司審核 (到底要幾個"又"才能敘述完這件事???)

真的是  很  有  事  的  一間公司


以下就容我列出這離奇半年間所發生的事 (很可怕,沒膽的就別往下看惹)
我一個 2.30 天、涵蓋中東三國(還不是什麼頂先進的國家)的大旅行,都沒開始玩就要先顧一個缺腳的大行李,直至今日想來還是覺得火大!


1) 2018/2/10 下機時在機場馬上 Claim,得到一個客訴 PIR 單
(附帶說明:當下在機場備案時承辦小姐判斷行李箱是算 "全毀",小姐問我行李箱購買的金額後會把價值填入單子並印出,當時因為我不記得確切金額,所以我的單子上是小姐自己推估的 USD 600,後來回去查收據是有少報一些但也沒辦法了)

同日到民宿後,按機場人員指示 E-mail (#1) 至單子上的指定信箱 <tlvapsu@aeroflot.ru> 進行後續

2) 2018/2/11 沒人回,再 E-mail (#2) 一次

3) 2018/2/14 沒人鳥我,怕被吃案於是從惡航官網的正規的行李 claim 途徑再寄一次 E-mail (#3)

4) 2018/2/18 還是沒人鳥我,又在官網上找另一個相關的信箱寄 E-mail (#4)

5) 2018/2/21 收到來自 <bagclaims-noreply@aeroflot.ru> 的罐頭回信,於事又再 E-mail (#5) 他們一次

6) 2018/3/1 這公司終於有人來上班了
得到 tlvclaim <tlvclaim@aeroflot.ru> 回覆,要求我按照他們的規定申請才能核定是否賠償:將所有文件正本寄去特拉維夫辦公室

Dear customer,
We were sorry to learn that bag was damaged on your trip. Please accept our sincere apologies.

In order to be able to investigate this issue and calculate compensation we are kindly ask you to send to us the following documents:

- Written claim with sum of compensation;
- Damage report; original
- Baggage tag (original);
- The document confirming cost of damaged baggage. (if its absence we ask to report brand of the damaged suitcase, year of its acquisition and cost. You may attach the photo of damaged bag to the claim);

Or you may fix your luggage and send to us
- Written claim with sum of compensation;
- Damage report; original
- Baggage tag (original);
- check for fixing

You should send all the documents to the Aeroflot station in Tel Aviv: Aeroflot, P.O.B 47, Ben Gurion Airport, 7015001

Also please send with documents copy of this e-mail
Please/ refer to this correspondence in the text of the statement or attach this message.

If you are a permanent resident of another country (not Israel) you need contact with Aeroflot representative in your country!

With best regards

Ben Gurion Int’l Airport
Representation in Israel

[Claim 過程]

7) 2018/3/2 E-mail (#6) 確認要以色列代表處才能處理我的 Claim (因為事發地為以色列且台灣沒有惡航辦事處)

8) 2018/3/5 回到家後開始認真處理此事
但私心認為都幾世紀了還要寄正本過去 (而且是寄去以色列,那你當初幹麻把單據給我!!! 你自己收好就好了阿~),這方式太離奇,不信邪先用 E-mail (#7) scan 版到 <tlvapsu@aeroflot.ru> & <bagclaims@aeroflot.ru>
同時用 FB (#1) 詢問 ,他建議我把資料寄到 <bagclaims@aeroflot.ru> (!? 早已寄了唷)

9) 2018/3/12 無人回應再次 E-mail (#8) 詢問

10) 2018/3/15 還是沒人回,乾脆直接問 FB (#2)
FB 跟我要了當時申訴的 PIR 單號 & 我的 E-mail 過程紀錄,說要幫我查

11) 2018/3/26 FB 沒下文,再問一次 FB (#3),他回了一個讓我瞠目結舌的答案
We've made an inquiry via our colleagues at the time you contacted us last time. Unfortunately there's still no update. We will try to make another inquiry. Thank you for your patience.
Most probably there are a lot of claims to be processed at the moment. We assure you that our colleagues are doing their best.

奇文到我忍不住 print screen 留念了

(嗯哼~ 10 天下來都無法處理到我一個月前發生的案子,看來常摔人行李齁!? 忙到要排隊)
(我一度火大到問他你們俄羅斯人也過 Chinese New Year?)

12) 2018/3/28 FB 終於回我
According to the info from our colleagues you have to provide with the required original documents to the representative agency in Israel: AEROFLOT, P.O.B 47, BEN GURION AIRPORT 7015001 ISRAEL.
We mean the agency (both of them are at the Airport) in Israel contacts of which you can find via the link provided above
Please note, according to the instructions we receive from our colleagues, in order to proceed with the case, you need to send the requested original documents to the office in Israel, not to the specific addressee, but the mailbox of Aeroflot agency, which is handling your request. We have provided the address above.

(好! FINE! 現在就是非要我寄原版紙本去以色列就對了,而且他堅持不提供對應的窗口,所以完全求助無門)

13) 2018/3/29 不想為此事寄第二遍實體信件 (到底是哪個時代的人!!!),問 FB (#4 ) 確切要提供的資料,此時百般刁難無限迴圈,總之 FB 開始撇得一乾二淨說他不能干涉 Claim 案

14) 2018/3/31 自立自強,從台灣郵局寄出正本掛號信至以色列,郵局說大約 8-10 個工作天可到 (後來去查信件是在 2018/4/3 上飛機的)


15) 2018/4/27 等不及了,好怕正本資料被吃案,第一次用 FB 問收到沒 (#5)
According to our rules, we consider a complaint within 30 days of receiving your documents. If you have not received an official response within this time, please inform us. We will do our best to resolve your situation as soon as possible.
(WTF 說收到還要 30d 處理時間,白話文就是時辰未到老子不會幫你查)

16) 2018/5/14 自己估算時間,第二次用 FB 問收到沒 (#6)
We are sincerely sorry to hear that. We will clarify the info via our colleagues and get back to you with an update.

[Claim 終於成功被受理後]

17) 2018/5/18 E-mail 告知收到我的資料,夾帶了一個沒有載明金額的附檔,要我提供銀行帳戶同時免除他們的法律責任

Dear costumer,

We want to let you know that we have received the rest of the documents and have attached form,  please fill out and return.

You should send all the documents to the Aeroflot station in Tel Aviv: Aeroflot, P.O.B 47, Ben Gurion Airport, 7015001

Also, please send with documents copy of this e-mail
Please refer to this correspondence in the text of the statement or attach this message.
(??? 各色人種問號,是有要賠償我的意思??) 中間省略問問題的 E-mail (#9, 10, 11)

不知道是什麼意思的回簽文件? 表面功夫王 4 ni?

18) 2018/5/21 當地的 Duty Manager 回了一個我很想問他:你真的有帶腦上班嗎??? 的 E-mail.. 
他直至目前為止仍沒發現台灣沒有惡航辦事處,而且很想問他 I you 是啥小,真的是非常專業的 manager

I you have Taiwan bank account so you need to contact with the Aeroflot station in Taiwan for receiving the compensation, our station in Tel Aviv can’t help you I’m sorry.

With best regards,
Duty manager
Ben Gurion Int’l Airport
Representation in Israel

立馬 E-mail (#12) 回問,接著又被海放 (用牛仔很忙的旋律唱起 manager 很忙)

19) 2018/5/23 假賠錢真無聲,只好再截圖問 FB (#7)

20) 2018/6/5 FB 回說同仁正在處理
Thank you for your patience. Our colleagues are looking through the situation at the moment. They will contact you in the shortest time. In case you won't get a reply - please let us know.
(到底是要處理什麼啦!???? 真的是各色人種問號直衝腦門)

21) 2018/6/6 並沒人聯絡我,又再問 FB (#8)
Alright, thank you for letting us know.
(看來他們的 shortest time 跟一般人不太一樣)

22) 2018/6/11 還是沒人聯絡我,再問一次 FB (#9)
We will make another inquiry.
(到! 底!!!!)

23) 2018/6/12 同時 E-mail (#13) 給所有相關單位,一樣沒回覆

24) 2018/7/1 使用 FB (#10) 再...問...一...次...
Kindly clarify for us if you have not received any correspondence from our colleagues and checked the spam folder?
Could you kindly precise when was the last correspondence you had with our colleagues (when you received the request and replied to it). Thank you for your cooperation and patience on this matter! 

25) 2018/7/2 認真的整理了之前的所有的溝通紀錄截圖給 FB (#11)

此時我又覺得很可能被吃案,決定跟他所謂的 "最近的窗口" 北京分公司聯絡

建议您继续联系 <bjstosu@aeroflot.ru>;<pekapsu@aeroflot.ru>

俄航其实在北京上海广州都有办事处,其中北京的办事处最大,广州好像只有一两位工作人员的!如果您前往俄航办事处处理行李问题的话,建议周二下午2-4点过去,其他时间不处理行李问题的,以前一直是这样,最近莫斯科那边刚换了首席代理过来,不知道有没有变化 !如果您有行李箱的购买凭证的话,应该比较容易解决的! 祝您好远 

(想必真的天天在摔人行李,要不就是惡航員工根本沒在上班~ 首席代理不管管?? 噢可能他自己也不上班)


26) 2018/7/3 以色列惡航辦事處終於回覆

中間來回 E-mail 了 6 次 (#14-19) 跟我討價還價,除了只賠行李箱錢 (本來我還要求賠我計程車費,但直至此時心已累),隔天又反悔說要打 9 折折舊..
達成他單方面的共識後最後說要轉給 HK Station 才能匯錢,並把 HK Station 的人 link 進來

27) 2018/7/5-12 HK Station 明明被 link 進來也能神隱,E-mail 4 封 (#20-23) 後才終於有人回應

28) 2018/7/12 HK Station 突然又說要把我的所有資料轉寄 Moscow 惡航總部審核,來回交涉 3 封 E-mail (#24-26) 也講不出個理由
(那當時到底為何不早點寄去 Moscow??? 真心不解,存心搞人嘛)

29) 2018/8/1 E-mail (#27) 詢問進度 --> 無解

30) 2018/8/23 E-mail (#28) 詢問進度 --> 無解 again

31) 2018/8/24 & 2018/8/28 用 FB (#12-13) 詢問兩次,都完完全全沒回應,所謂的已讀不回

32) 2018/8/31 晚上收到 HK station E-mail 回覆,說俄羅斯總部終於核可,金額等同上回以色列無賴殺價過後的 USD 567 (源自機場備案時承辦小姐對行李箱估價 USD 600 再折舊),同時恐嚇錢匯給我所有手續費要自行吸收

33) 從香港的錢匯進來是透過香港花旗 (which 跟台灣的銀行沒連結) 再轉紐約花旗,才匯到台灣的銀行,所以被扣了兩筆各將近 USD 30 的費用

總結整個過程,完完整整的半年間,我總共寄了近 30 封 E-mail,騷擾他們的 FB 高達 13 回合才達成任務



祝他倒閉 再見

